Teni Apata, the Nigerian singer, has been criticised for her gesture towards Ibrahim Egungbohun, the businessman fondly called IBD Dende, on a plane.


On Friday, the songstress took to X to share a video of herself boarding the same aircraft with IBD Dende.

Upon citing the socialite, Teni prostrated before IBD Dende. She then raised her hands while praising the businessman.

The socialite, however, attempted to prevent Temi from prostrating as he rose to hug the overjoyous singer instead.


The video however triggered a wave of backlash on X where several users accused the singer of “hypocrisy”.

Some users also revisited the incident that took place in October 2022 when Teni was conferred with the member order of the Niger (MON) award at the National Honours Award ceremony.

The singer walked towards Muhammadu Buhari, the then president, and collected her award without any form of genuflection or handshake.


Some social media users had criticised her over what they described as her “discourteous demeanour” before the president.

The latest video has also continued to trigger a chorus of condemnation against the singer.

“We all know what we are doing…. Teni disrespected Buhari like she stands with the masses only to prostrate before IBD Dende,” a user wrote.

“The Teni refused to greet Buhari because he was a bad leader or for whatever reason, is now lying down for IBD Dende. Na wa ooo,” another user wrote.


Here is what some users had to say below:



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