Kill Boro’ and ‘A Father’s Love’, two Nigerian pidgin English films, are now showing on Prime Video, the streaming platform.


Both movies are products of the First Features project, an initiative to support and mentor emerging filmmaking talent in Nigeria.

The project is the brainchild of filmmakers Steve Gukas and Dotun Olakunri, who have worked together on productions such as ‘A Place In The Stars’, ‘93 Days’, and ‘Living In Bondage-Breaking Free’.

Directed by Courage Obayuwana, ‘Kill Boro’ tells the harrowing story of Elijah, a young boy burdened by his father’s relentless brutality.


Driven by desperation in the unforgiving streets of Azuama, Elijah seeks an unthinkable solution from a notorious gang leader.

The movie explores the complexities of family, survival, the consequences of choices, and the enduring possibility of redemption.

‘Kill Boro’ stars Ini-Dima Okojie, Hilda Dokubo, Yibo Koko, Kosi Ogboruche and Phillip Asaya.


The film has been praised for its authentic portrayal of life in the Niger Delta region.

‘A Father’s Love’, on the other hand, was directed by Sebastian Ukwa. The film explores the power of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness.

It tells the heartwarming story of a Lagos taxi driver who goes to extraordinary lengths to reunite an abandoned baby with its mother.

‘A Father’s Love’ features Nollywood stars like Uche Jumbo and Yvonne Jegede.


According to a statement on Thursday, both films offer global audiences the opportunity to experience “the richness of pidgin English and the diversity of Nigerian cinema”.

Olakunri said the films are a testament to the incredible talent that exists in Nigeria.

“We are proud to provide a platform for these first-time directors to share their unique stories with the world,” he added.


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