WhatsApp has launched new features including in-chat polls, video calls that support up to 32 people, and groups that support 1,024 users. The…
WhatsApp, the instant web-based messaging service used by billions of people across the world, is now working — after an outage that lasted…
WhatsApp has launched three new features — one of which allows users to exit groups secretly. The Facebook-owned company broke the news in…
WhatsApp has created a new way to transfer your entire chat history from Android to iOS and vice versa. In a new FAQ…
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp appeared to have been coming back after an outage that lasted almost six hours. TheCable Lifestyle had earlier reported…
WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook have all gone down in what appeared to be another major global outage. According to data on Downdetector, the…
WhatsApp has come through with an advertisement on its controversial privacy policy using Yoruba, one of Nigeria’s major languages. The less than 30-second…