White Money, the ex-housemate of BBNaija, claims Phyna has redeemed prizes owed to her by the show’s sponsors.


Phyna won the 2022 edition of the BBNaija reality TV show.

On April 3, the reality TV star called out Multichoice Nigeria, the organisers of BBNaija, on social media.

She claimed she had yet to receive some prizes and money promised to her.


The Practicioners of Content Creating, Skit-Making, and Influencers Guild of Nigeria (PCCSIGN) had weighed into the matter.

The guild highlighted the list of gifts allegedly owed to Phyna while urging the sponsors to release them.

Phyna also complained about how difficult it has been for her to redeem the prizes.


But in an interview with Olufemi Daniel, a YouTuber, Whitemoney claimed Phyna has now received the prizes due to her.

He said the approach she took paid off as she got the prizes “immediately”.

“I think she went the way she understands, the way she knows (calling out the organisers),” he said.

“And it worked for her. She got everything. She got her trip, everything.


“I was with her a few days ago and she showed me that she got her BTC.

“That pattern worked for her. It might not work for you and I.

“All of us have different approaches to things. So that is the way she understands and she did it and it worked for her.

“Because immediately, she got her goods, her trip to Maldives. She got everything she deserved.”


Phyna has yet to announce she has gotten her prizes and money.

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