Oluchi Harrison is a well-known entertainment broadcaster with a career that spans over a decade. The news anchor, TV, and radio presenter has collaborated with brands such as the UEFA Champions League, Johnnie Walker, Heineken, and Coca-Cola and is the latest member of Paramount Africa’s Culture Squad. In this interview with TheCable Lifestyle, Oluchi talks about her goals, managing public attention, and how she plans to change the stereotypes surrounding African media.


TheCable Lifestyle: How did you feel when you were informed you are the latest member of the Culture Squad?

SPOTLIGHT: Oluchi Harrison, the broadcaster hoping to change the stereotype of African media

Oluchi: I was excited, I would not lie but I was also like it is about time. It was a process that had taken a while because due process needed to be taken. It was daunting, it was exciting and I was happy honestly. I was excited to be part of a team that is saddled with the responsibility to push Africa forward and on the global map. Being a part of the Culture Squad is a dream come true.


TheCable Lifestyle: You have worked with other major brands before, what do you think you would do differently while with Paramount?

Oluchi: While with Paramount I would bring the same level of commitment, even more, because like they say with greater tasks, comes more responsibilities. You have to be ready to take on more tasks, and more responsibilities, that is what it is with Paramount.

The higher I go, the more responsible I get, the more refined I am, and the more I have to put in the work. I bring over a decade’s experience to Paramount and polish myself even more. Polishing my skills, making sure I am a representation of what Paramount Africa is. The minute you see me, you see everything Paramount Africa stands for.


TheCable Lifestyle: You are a broadcaster with years of experience, how do you plan to add your technical know-how to the job?

Oluchi: Bringing my technical know-how is basically what the job description is all about. It is making sure that you are doing the right thing at the right time; making sure that you are passing the right message at the right time.

We tell people what to think, how to think, and how to act. So we must be well refined, we are dutiful, we know what to do and what not to do, and we follow all the journalistic laws, broadcast laws, and all the rules that need to be taken. This is because people listen to us much more than anything. Our words are gold.

Having all of that experience and bringing the technical know-how to Paramount Africa is very important because you are a representation of what people see, of the world people want to see, and of the world people want to know. Because you are the one person people will look at and they will take your word for bond. So it is important to know all the laws, all the right things to do, and be a representation of the people at every given time.


TheCable Lifestyle: What are the goals you hope to achieve as a member of the Culture Squad?

SPOTLIGHT: Oluchi Harrison, the broadcaster hoping to change the stereotype of African media

Oluchi: As a member of the Culture Squad, my goal is to be as authentic as I can be. To bring an authentic voice that captures and amplifies the youths’ voice and contributes to the channel’s legacy of being a hub for youth entertainment and culture.

Paramount Africa has always been that brand that has stood up for people, that has shown itself as a representation of the people and that is what I intend to be. I want to amplify the music, fashion, art, lifestyle, and trends that excite our viewers and audience. I will be hitting the streets and just bringing the world closer to the people who are viewing and being that connection that links between the people and the world.


TheCable Lifestyle: Being on MTV Base will attract significant fame, how do you plan to manage the increased public attention?

Oluchi: It will most likely bring significant public attention, but I am prepared to handle it responsibly. Staying grounded is also key, it is important and paramount. Public attention provides the opportunity to connect with fans on a deeper level and I plan to use that to inspire and empower others and touch as many lives as possible.

The most important thing is remembering the core reason I am here which is my passion. My passion for journalism, broadcasting, and my passion for amplifying creativity.

TheCable Lifestyle: You care deeply about representation in media, how can the Culture Squad use their platforms to challenge negative stereotypes in African media as a whole?


Oluchi: This can be achieved easily by actively seeking and showcasing diverse stories and experiences. In today’s time, most people connect personally with you when they feel like they know you even more. So it is easier for us to connect to the people because we are just like them.

SPOTLIGHT: Oluchi Harrison, the broadcaster hoping to change the stereotype of African media

Africa is a continent breaming with talent, creativity, and innovation, by highlighting stories we can create a more nuanced and realistic portrayal. Another strategy is to look beyond the typical narratives often associated with Africa. We can challenge stereotypes by showcasing the continent’s booming music scene as we have been doing already.

We know that African music is going beyond borders and across the world. You see the rise of Afrobeats, Amapiano, and different African sounds worldwide. The thriving Nigerian fashion industry is going through the roof. All our celebrities show up and show out on the red carpet.

The art movement as well. We have a lot of Nigerian artists making waves outside the country, outside Africa and it comes together to build that perspective of Africa. Ultimately the Culture Squad is a force for positive change where every Culture Squad member can amplify their voices to celebrate the richness and the competitiveness of the African creative landscape and dismantle stereotypes. It is one step at a time, we are taking Africa to where it is supposed to be.

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