Relationship matters are mostly complicated and take a lot of effort to handle. However, when dealing with sadness, people in a relationship may find it difficult expressing their feelings with their partners. Ironically, this is an important factor determining a good relationship: the availability of communication.


By communicating feelings, people can learn more about their partners while managing each other’s shortcomings and conflicts better.

However, when all of this is said and done, not every relationship problem can be fixed and sometimes, it’s okay to just admit that things are wrong and a relationship isn’t just working.

  • You Always Feel Lonely

If you always feel lonely while in a relationship, chances are that there might be trouble in paradise. Being in a happy relationship should have the opposite effect. You both should enjoy each other’s company so much so that you enjoy each other’s company.


Remember to always inform your partner should you feel anything different. 

  • You Fight Over Almost Everything

Do you and your partner constantly fight over everything, no matter how big or little? Chances are that you two are unhappy with each other.

Disagreements are a constant in romantic relationships however, it becomes a problem when this occurs more often than not.

  • You’re Holding Grudges

Now and then, people offend each other in a relationship and this is quite normal. However, holding a grudge against a partner and making a huge deal out of forgiveness of their mistake might be the red flag indicating that you may be unhappy with the relationship you’re in.

One of the distinctive qualities of love is forgiveness. Since no one is perfect and mistakes are bound to be made with the ones we love.

  • You Imagine Being Happier Without Your Partner

If you often daydream about being more content without your partner then it’s possible the relationship is taking a sour turn. 

  • You Cannot Be Yourself Around Them

Do you find it difficult being yourself around your partner? Is it difficult doing the things you love around them? Are you always pretending to be someone else with them? Then maybe, you could be in an unhappy relationship.

  • You Two Never Talk

Communication; both speaking and listening are important aspects of any romantic relationship. It is by communicating that people in relationships get to know each other better, their flaws and weaknesses, and communication even brings about clarity of the future for both parties.

It is therefore not only odd for two people in a relationship to being constantly out of touch, but also reckless.

Time, resources, and emotions, may end up being wasted on a relationship which most likely would end up being a fail.


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