Bobrisky has always been in the news for controversial reasons; ranging from her claims of being Nigeria’s first transgender to admitting to severing her genitals.


The most recent being her arrest, prosecution, and sentence which will keep the ‘Mummy of Lagos’ locked up behind bars for months. This was after she pleaded guilty to the four counts bordering on the abuse of the Nigerian currency naira.

All can be said about Bobrisky but when it comes to her fashion sense, she deserves her flowers. The social media celebrity brings her A-game when it comes to fashion and creativity and ensures that she makes a statement every time she steps out.

Irrespective of whatever the occasion may be, Bobrisky is ready to always outdo herself. Her long colorful nails, expertly installed wigs, prim and proper makeup, and even her overly dramatic dresses are what define her unique and chic sense of garb.


Bobrisky has explored the different kinds of trends in vogue and allows herself to fit into any style; be it a gold-corseted owambe dress, a white feathered gown, or an over-the-top red silk maxi gown, Bob rocks every style as if she owns them.

Below are photos from her gallery:



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