Nabila Fash, the ex-wife of Oritsefemi, has threatened to sue the singer over his recent claims that she had 21 miscarriages during their marriage.


In a recent interview, the 39-year-old singer claimed Fash had “21 miscarriages” but still held him responsible for their inability to have children.

Oritsefemi also alleged that she sent about twenty of her friends to beat him up in his house.

Fash, while reacting through Rockson Igelige of Rockson Legal, her lawyers, denied the allegations, saying they were “concocted lies designed to damage my character and bring me to public ridicule”.


She cautioned him not to call her his wife, stating that the high court in Lagos dissolved their marriage on March 21, 2024.

Fash also denied claims that she sent her friends to beat Oritsefemi up.

“We write to you to cease further defamation of and threats to our client. You know for a fact that the above-quoted statements, amongst others, that you made during the said interview are all concocted lies designed to disparage, tarnish, and damage our client’s character and to bring her to public ridicule and hostility,” the lawsuit reads in part.


“This is so as our client did not at any time send any of her friends to beat you up nor had 21 miscarriages during her now judicially dissolved marriage to you. Our client takes exception to your defamatory aspersions designed to taint and destroy her reputation.

“We, therefore, demand that you cease defamatory statements against our client. We further demand that you immediately stop referring to our client as your wife and stop threatening anyone around her. Our client sued you for divorce (the dissolution of your marriage), and the High Court of Lagos State judicially dissolved the marriage on 21st March 2024.”

The couple tied the knot in 2017. In 2021, their marriage faced a crisis over allegations of infidelity.

Fash later accused the singer of “constant cheating, verbal and emotional abuse”.


She claimed Oritsefemi has children out of wedlock with the excuse of wanting a boy child.

She also alleged that the singer physically assaulted her twice in their relationship.

The ‘Igbeyawo’ hitmaker, however, denied the allegations.

In 2022, Fash had filed for divorce from Oritsefemi.


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