Halima Adamu, mother of Dauda Kahutu, a singer better known as Rarara, has been reported abducted in Katsina


The Katsina state police command confirmed the abduction to TheCable Lifestyle on Friday.

It was reported that the singer’s mother was attacked at her residence in Kahutu village of Danja LGA in Katsina state.

Sources close to the family said the attackers stormed the village in the early hours of Friday.


The abductors were said to have silently come on foot as the villagers never heard gunshots during the operation which “took only a few minutes”.

Hamila was said to have gently followed attackers when they struck at her home.

The attackers reportedly came on motorcycles but left them afar from the village to avoid making sounds.


Some reports also claim that the abductors specifically picked Rarara’s mother while leaving other residents behind.

Abubakar Sodiq Alihu, the Katsina police command spokesperson, said an investigation has commenced on the case.

“We are aware. We received the report of the abduction of his mother and we are on top of the situation now,” the police spokesperson said.

Born in Katsina, Rarara is a famed political singer and songwriter in northern Nigeria.


He is known to have put out some songs in support of Muhammadu Buhari during the 2015 general election.

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