A magistrate court sitting in Makurdi, Benue, has remanded five teenagers in a correctional facility for allegedly killing an 18-year old student identified as Yakubu Garba.


Friday Inedu, the prosecutor, on Thursday, told the court that Garba Sani, the father of the deceased, reported the incident at the Abinsi police station on May 9.

Inedu said the defendants allegedly committed the offences on May 8, at Imam street, Abinsi, Guma LGA, Benue.

He said the defendants and others now at large stormed the area with cutlasses and other weapons to attack the student.


“The injuries inflicted on him as a result of the attack led to his death,” he said.

“Investigation is still ongoing, we urge the court for another date for the mention of the case.”

The defendants, Abdullahi Ismail, 14; Ismail Abubakar, 18; Mustapha Yakubu, 15; Suleiman Ismail, 18, and Sani Yahaya, 18, are being charged with criminal conspiracy, terrorism and culpable homicide.


The defendants are residents of Imam street, Abinsi in Guma Local Government Area, Benue.

The prosecutor said the offense contravenes section 97 and 222 of the Penal Code Law of Benue State, 2004.

He added that the offense also contravenes section 4(2) of the abduction, hostage taking, kidnapping, secret cult and similar activities (prohibition) law, 2017.

Cynthia Ikpe, the chief magistrate, did not take the plea of the defendants for lack of jurisdiction.


She ordered them to be remanded at the Makurdi correctional centre to enable the police to undertake proper investigation on the matter.

She thereafter adjourned the case until June 26.

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