Relationship ‘He provides for me and my children but without sex I’m not satisfied’ Leave a comment December 2, 2016 Many say money is the fuel of love but can a relationship survive solely on security? How long can a relationship bereft of…
Relationship 6 ways to avoid divorce in your marriage 1 Comment October 22, 2016 To preserve a marriage requires the effort of two people who are determined to live happily together. It’s hard, but it’s not impossible.…
Relationship Domestic intelligence and the monsters-in-law Leave a comment October 21, 2016 The name “monster in-law” is an ingenious depiction of the harm in-laws, or some of them, cause marriages. Many people also know this…
Celebrity GistShow Biz Brad Pitt reacts to impending divorce Leave a comment September 21, 2016 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt shocked the world with the announcement of their separation on Tuesday. Jolie had filed for divorce from her…
Celebrity GistFeaturedShow Biz Angelina Jolie ‘files for divorce’ from Brad Pitt 1 Comment September 20, 2016 After 12 years together, Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. Although Jolie cited irreconcilable differences in the divorce papers, TMZ…
Relationship Apparently, we are now in divorce season Leave a comment August 28, 2016 The first quantitative evidence suggesting that there’s a pattern of filing for divorce has been found. According to a new research from the…
Relationship Sex with an ex: Yes, no… maybe? 4 Comments July 6, 2014 The answer to this question depends on an individual’s mental state, both at present and how one wants to feel in the future.…