The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) of the University of Abuja (UniAbuja) says its members will not comply with the institution’s directive to sign an attendance register indicating they have resumed lectures.


On May 2, a faction of UniAbuja ASUU declared an indefinite strike over an ongoing dispute with the varsity’s management.

The dispute relates to the ASUU branch’s interest in a multi-stakeholder microfinance bank, promotion procedures in the absence of a governing council, election for faculty deanship, and alleged illegal appointments.

The varsity’s leadership had described the strike declaration as emanating from a “disgruntled faction at the union”.


In a recent statement, Rasheed Na’Allah, the varsity vice-chancellor, directed the lecturers to sign a daily attendance register effective on Monday to mitigate the impact of the strike action and resume academic activities.

The VC also instructed that any lecturers absent, either on sabbatical or for other reasons, should inform their respective faculty deans.

“Having considered the views and pleas of concerned members of the university community, management has agreed to extend the deadline, earlier given to staff to sign the attendance register, to indicate that he/she is teaching or has resumed teaching on Monday, 3rd June, 2024,” the statement reads in part.


“Members of staff who are away from the university, either on sabbatical or for any other reason, are advised to email their respective deans and copy the registrar via [email protected].

“Deans are accordingly required to compile the attendance list for submission to the registrar before the close of office on Monday.”

However, in a chat with TheCable Lifestyle, Sylvanus Ugoh, the chairperson of UniAbuja ASUU, said the union members will not comply with the directive, adding that the strike will continue.

Ugoh also argued that the VC’s directive is aimed to intimidate the lecturers without following due process.


“We are not signing it because our strike is legitimate. The VC’s directive is just an act of intimidation which the union is resisting with every strength,” he said.

The Nigerian Medical and Dental Academics (NAMDA) of UniAbuja recently distanced itself from the ongoing strike by ASUU.

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