Laide Bakare, the Nigerian actress, has accused the Nigerian police of brutalising her and traumatising his daughter.


Bakare shared a video with her daughter On Friday, alleging that she was mistreated by an officer of the Nigeria Police Force.

She recounted that she was driving along the Ikorodu-Mile 12 axis on June 21 when she was stopped by a police officer.

The actress said she was pulled over for allegedly driving on the BRT lane.


She claimed that a police officer then entered her vehicle and drove away with her 14-year-old daughter, her phone, and other valuables.

Bakare said her daughter was terrified and that she had to pay ₦70,000 to recover her vehicle.

Benjamin Hundeyin, the spokesman of the Lagos police, reacted by confirming Bakare was stopped for driving on the BRT lane.


He said the actress had created a scene and refused to remain in her vehicle while it was being taken to the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) office.

Hundeyin added that the ₦70,000 fine she paid went into “government coffers”.

“You were stopped for contravening traffic laws by driving on the BRT lane. You chose to create a scene,” he said.

“You chose to remain out of your vehicle when it was being taken to the LAMATA office. The officers were not going to succumb to your gimmick to hold them down at that spot.


“You rightly paid the correct fine for your offence – N70,000 – into government coffers. You left with the receipt and your vehicle. Not a finger was laid on you.”

During an interview on Classic FM on Sunday, Bakare reiterated her ordeal and criticised Hundeyin’s comments.

He claimed that he did not carefully watch the videos and addressed him as a “disappointment to Nigerians”.

She also highlighted other instances of police misconduct, mentioning a heavily pregnant woman who was also allegedly extorted by the police at the same location.


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