Despite what a lot of people think, it is absolutely possible to get back together with an ex without drama. However, this will heavily depend on both parties involved and how committed they are to making their relationship work as rebuilding a broken relationship requires a lot of work.
This means that deliberate steps in the right direction must be taken by both parties to come to a sensible conclusion.
Note that the type of relationship one can rebuild with an ex mustn’t necessarily be romantic. Platonic and cordial relationships can also be explored with exes to ensure that in the future, you both are on each other’s good side.
- Own Up To Mistakes
Nothing fresh and different can come of your relationship with an ex without first addressing the past. And an important factor of your past is the mistakes you two have made.
Be careful to note that owning up to past mistakes must be done without blaming each other. By dishing blame cards to each other, the chances of moving forward will remain bleak. Hence, it is relevant to move past hurts and focus on putting past actions on the table.
- Schedule And Commit To Talking About Everything
After you two have put forward past mistakes, the next step is to schedule a neutral place and time to go over the current condition of your relationship.
Keep the conversations neutral and honest. This is not time to hide the truths.
- Forgive Each Other
Forgiveness is one of the most important virtues to adapt when rebuilding a relationship with an ex. Each party should be ready to move past hurts and forgive each other.
Obviously forgiveness isn’t an easy thing to do. How can one simply let go of the hurtful things their exes have done? As much as forgiving might be difficult, doing so not only frees each person from being closed-minded, and focusing on moving forward.
- Be Clear About The Future For Both Of You
Now that you both have genuinely forgiven each other, it is time to talk about the future.
Where do you see this person in your future? Do you see them as active figures in your life? What kind of relationship would you two be adopting? These and many more are areas to touch on when discussing with an ex about the future.
As usual, it is important that both parties are as transparent and truthful to each other as possible.
- Commit To Building A Better Relationship
It’s great that you two have discussed the future and the way forward for each other. Next, is committing to building a better relationship with each other.
To ensure this, hold each other accountable for meeting the agreements. If possible, include third parties to hold you two accountable to the agreements.
Relationships are important; we all need relationships as support, happiness, or simply for friendships. Whichever the case is for you and your ex, building such a relationship is possible as long as you are ready to put in the hard work.
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