Academic staff at the Federal College of Education (FCE), Gusau in Zamfara, has conditionally suspended its strike.


In March, the staff union at FCE Gusau embarked on an indefinite strike that lasted up to three months.

The staffers were protesting the appointment of Hauwa’u Gimbiya Mukhtar Abdulkarim as provost of the college.

The staff union claimed that Abdulkarim was not qualified for the position. They demanded her resignation.


The union alleged that Abdulkarim was appointed “on the ground of misrepresentation of forged document”.

A coalition of civil society groups in Zamfara had staged a protest to decry the poor progress of academic activities at FCE Gusau.

NAN reports that Muktar Abdullahi, chairman of the union, said the strike was called off on Thursday after a meeting with its members.


Abdullahi said the union’s members have been directed to resume academic activities immediately.

The chairman also apologised to students of the institution for the inconveniences caused to them during the strike.

“Let me apologize to our students. I assure you that we shall recover from the long absence of academic activities,” he said.

“Whatever happened should be put behind us. We have now resumed full academic activities.


“Members of the union reached an agreement after the meeting. We were able to resolve the issues at stake.”

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