Emeka Okonkwo, the businessman better known as E-Money, has reacted to allegations of having an affair with the wife of Junior Pope, the late actor.


Pope died on April 10 in the River Niger in Asaba, Delta state, while on his way to a movie location.

On April 17, E-Money paid tribute to Pope and pledged to care for the actor’s children.

Recently, a Facebook influencer shared a video accusing E-Money of having an affair with Pope’s widow and insinuated that he might have been involved in the actor’s death.


Responding via Instagram, E-Money reposted the incriminating video and another with similar allegations and called on Nigerians to help identify the rumour mongers.

He also vowed to sue the influencers and bloggers spreading these rumours.

“It has come to my attention that some individuals are spreading damaging and false information about my relationship with my late brother, Junior Pope, and his family during this difficult time of mourning. These actions show a complete lack of respect for the memory of the deceased and are deeply hurtful to our grieving family,” he wrote.


“I cannot fold my hands and allow this heinous act to continue without consequence. I am committed to identifying these unscrupulous individuals and ensuring they are held accountable. It is imperative that we clean up our social media space and let the law take its rightful course. Furthermore, bloggers disseminating this information without proper investigation and confirmation will also not be spared in this bid for justice.

“Anyone with credible information that can assist the authorities in apprehending these two women responsible for this malicious character assassination, should please come forward. Your help will not only bring justice but is highly appreciated. Enough is enough!”


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Pope was buried on Friday in Enugu.


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