RelationshipSex 5 body changes to expect when you stop having regular sex Leave a comment October 18, 2016 There are certain periods when the yearn for sexual intercourse wanes and the body becomes less receptive to sexual arousal. Almost every sex-having adult…
Relationship Watching television together could recharge your relationship Leave a comment October 18, 2016 A recent study published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that going on a ‘Game of Thrones’ marathon with your partner…
Relationship The 5 most common relationship problems Leave a comment October 16, 2016 Everyone is familiar with the fairy tale definition of love — the scintillating and stomach-fluttering feeling you have when you are smitten over…
RelationshipSex Casual sex boosts confidence but relationship sex is good for the health Leave a comment October 12, 2016 A large percentage of men who indulge in casual sex are often motivated by physical attributes of the female, says a Canadian study. The…
RelationshipSex ‘Selfish men, poor lovers’… Why many women would rather stay single Leave a comment October 11, 2016 An American study has attributed the increased rate of single women to the behavior of new generation men. The research, which was carried…
Relationship 7 signs you are in a toxic relationship 1 Comment October 11, 2016 You fall in love with someone and you’re always excited to spend time with them, goof around and share special moments. Then, a few…
RelationshipSex Why parents should teach children about sex early enough Leave a comment October 8, 2016 Parents should be their child’s first source of information about sex and they are expected to begin educating their children at an early…