Operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes (EFCC) have arrested over 50 suspected internet fraudsters in Akure, Ondo state. 


The EFCC operatives were said to have raided two hotels and nightclubs in the early hours of Saturday where they arrested the suspects including a bridegroom.

The groom-to-be was picked while having his bachelor’s eve with some friends in one of the popular clubs in Akure metropolis.

During the sting operation, carried out around 1am, the EFCC operatives allegedly seized numerous vehicles, laptops, high-end smartphones, and other items.


“They were entering the nightclubs and lounges, tear-gassing people, beating and arresting them. They do not care who you are, even two soldiers were injured as they shot tear gas canisters inside one of the clubs,” a source said.

“They also went away with a groom and his friends at a club, he was there for his bash eve, so sad as they profiled everyone as internet fraudsters.”

The raid comes a few days after some EFCC operatives arrested four suspected internet fraudsters in Abuja, the federal capital territory.


The anti-graft agency recovered items including four brands of mobile phones and added that the suspects will be charged in court as soon as investigations are concluded.

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