WhatsApp has introduced a new screen-sharing feature to enhance the video calling experience on its platform. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, announced…
WhatsApp has introduced an instant video messaging feature for its users. In a blog post on Thursday, the Meta-owned company said the new…
WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that allows users to lock their chats. In a blog post on Tuesday, the Meta-owned company said…
WhatsApp has unveiled a new feature that allows users to edit messages up to 15 minutes after they have been sent. With the…
WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that will allow users to automatically post their status to their Facebook stories. Status is a popular…
WhatsApp has introduced automatic security codes among three new features it is rolling out to make it harder to take over other people’s accounts. …
WhatsApp has launched five new status update features — one of which allows users to record and share 30-second voice messages. The web-based…