Relationship Poll: Dear ladies, would you date a ‘Yahoo boy’? Leave a comment May 23, 2019 The slang ‘yahoo boys’ draws its etymology from the free emailing service ‘Yahoo,’ which at a point was a popular medium for perpetrating…
Sex POLL: Would you buy a sex doll? Leave a comment January 19, 2018 Sex dolls are being invented in different sizes and shapes, and demand for them across the world is on the rise. Although they can…
LifeRelationship POLL: Would you accept an intimate item from your spouse’s friend? 1 Comment November 7, 2017 An intimate relationship between two people occur when they both decide to go steady having dated for quite some time. Relationships are hard enough…
Relationship POLL: What would you do if you caught your partner cheating? Leave a comment November 3, 2017 Unfortunately, people cheat all the time, and if it happens to you, you are faced with the burden of making an immediate decision.…
Relationship POLL: Would you end your relationship over genotype incompatibility? Leave a comment October 26, 2017 Many couples are emotionally, ideologically and sexually compatible, but medically – not so much. Couples who are AS and SS often have to…
Relationship POLL: Would you go back to a cheating partner? Leave a comment October 23, 2017 Cheating is one of the most scandalous relationship crimes one can commit. It is hard to predict exactly what you might do if…