Daala Oruwari is a Nigerian TV personality and red-carpet presenter who has graced the screens of top stations like TVC and MTV Base. Her influence has transcended beyond national borders as she was recently recruited to the BET Africa culture squad. In this interview with TheCable Lifestyle’s VICTORY ORIMEMI, Daala discusses her first exposure to the entertainment industry, the roots of her confidence, and her mission to inspire the younger generation to chase their dreams.


TheCable Lifestyle: Could you share a bit about where you are from and how your journey in the entertainment industry began?

Daala Oruwari: I am from Port Harcourt, Nigeria. As a child, I was passionate about communication and felt a strong pull towards connecting with people. This is the reason why I pursued my Bachelor’s in Mass Communication at the University of Lagos. My dream back then was to be a radio presenter but there was an unconventional twist to my journey. During my university days, friends would come to me with interesting requests. They wanted me to make prank calls while pretending to be a late-night love show host, testing the loyalty of their partners. Looking back, it might seem like a funny way to get started, but it was my first taste of playing a character and engaging with an audience, even if it was an unsuspecting one on the other end of the phone.

Daala Oruwari,


However, a turning point came when I started accompanying my mom to her former job, where she managed a hotel with one of Lagos’ biggest entertainment event centres at that time. Being surrounded by that atmosphere sparked something new within me. I discovered a passion for red carpet hosting, a long way from my radio dreams, but it perfectly captured my love for live events and connecting with people.

It was challenging at the onset, though. However, witnessing the energy and confidence of experienced red-carpet hosts fuelled a desire to overcome the challenges. So, I started honing my skills, learning to think on my feet, and developing a stage presence that felt both natural and engaging.

TheCable Lifestyle: You have interviewed so many celebrities and dignitaries. Can you share a standout moment from one of those interviews? 


Daala Oruwari: Being a red-carpet host has opened me to a world of possibilities. I have been fortunate to grace the red carpets of numerous prestigious international events, the most noteworthy being the 57th edition of the Grammy Awards at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles, California. My interviewees range from presidents and political figures to celebrities, musicians, and actors, both domestically and internationally, including notable figures such as Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Ryan Cooler, Trey Songz, Tenoch Huerta and more.

My all-time favourite interview is the one I had with Ja Rule and Ashanti (who I found out is my birthday mate) when they were in Nigeria. They were both so sweet, and I really enjoyed speaking to them. The most iconic moment for me was after the show when Ja Rule finished performing, got off stage, and gave me a high five. Everyone was wondering who I was and how I knew him.

TheCable Lifestyle: What motivates you to continually take on new challenges?

Daala Oruwari: The understanding that I have just one life to live drives me to embrace new challenges continually. When I eventually stand before God on my final day, I want to say that I truly lived life to the fullest without any regrets.


Taking on new challenges has become one of my favourite pastimes. I relish pushing my boundaries and discovering the extent of my capabilities. Each challenge presents a new opportunity for growth and self-discovery, and this ongoing journey of personal development keeps me motivated and excited about life.

TheCable Lifestyle: Your confidence is striking. How do you maintain such self-assurance in an industry often defined by criticism and judgement? 

Daala Oruwari: One of my biggest things has always been never letting anyone define me. The truth is I have not always been this confident. It was something I had to work on every day. When I started to tell myself not to pay attention to what people say because only I can give them power over me, I saw a significant change in my life, and I have promised never to go back to being that person who lets other people dictate to them.

TheCable Lifestyle: You pride yourself as the goddess of skills. Is there anything you are particularly skilled at that might surprise us, mere mortals?


Daala Oruwari: I am truly passionate about exploring all kinds of creative outlets, and I excel at a number of them. From modelling and painting to makeup artistry and hairstyling, to basketball and even hula hooping – exercising these diverse skills brings me so much joy. Each discipline allows me to tap into a different creative flow and keeps my creative spirit thriving.

Daala Oruwari,

TheCable Lifestyle: Who are some of your biggest influences or role models; within and outside the entertainment industry? 

Daala Oruwari: In my line of work here in Nigeria, I draw much inspiration from the incredible Ik Osakioduwa. He is a Nigerian radio and TV personality I absolutely adore, not just for his hilarious and unpredictable nature, but also for his knack for keeping the audience hooked and entertained.


Another person who really inspires me is Burna Boy. I am constantly in awe of how this young guy from Port Harcourt — where I am also from — rose from humble beginnings to achieve international fame. He solidified his place on the global stage and truly became the African Giant.

There are also a couple of other people like VJ Adams whose work ethic I admire.

TheCable Lifestyle: Congratulations on being the newest member of the BET Africa Culture Squad. How do you feel about this remarkable accomplishment?

Daala Oruwari: Being part of the BET Africa Culture Squad is truly an incredible honour, a dream come true! BET Africa has consistently championed African talent and stories for years. Being a part of that legacy and contributing to showcasing the richness of African culture on such a global platform fills me with immense pride and excitement.

There is also a deep sense of responsibility that comes with the opportunity. Africa is a vast continent with diverse cultures, stories, and voices. Being a part of the Culture Squad means having the privilege of amplifying these voices and ensuring they reach a wider audience. It is about celebrating our incredible African talent and sharing their passion and creativity with the world.

On a personal level, it is incredibly satisfying. The journey is not easy, and there have been moments of doubt and challenges. But being chosen for this role validates all the hard work, dedication, and perseverance I have poured into my career. It confirms that I am on the right track and that my passion for connecting with people and celebrating African culture resonates with others.

TheCable Lifestyle: BET Africa provides a huge platform to celebrate African entertainment. Given your experience across different aspects of the Nigerian industry, what specific aspects of the culture do you hope to showcase through this platform?

Daala Oruwari: Music is undeniably a cornerstone of Nigerian culture, with Afrobeats taking the world by storm. Many Nigerian artistes are on foreign charts, and it is important to continue telling their stories.

Another area I am particularly excited to showcase is the exploding Nigerian fashion scene. Our designers are audacious and innovative, pushing boundaries with bold prints and vibrant colours that redefine what it means to be fashion-forward on a global scale.

Of course, an exploration of Nigerian entertainment would be complete without mentioning the juggernaut, Nollywood. These films have captivated audiences across the continent and beyond. Nollywood’s success lies in its ability to tell relatable stories that resonate with everyday Nigerians while simultaneously showcasing the beauty and complexity of our society.

Being on BET Africa is my chance to showcase how amazing and interesting Africa is.

TheCable Lifestyle: How do you see the industry evolving in the coming years, especially in terms of representation and diversity?

Daala Oruwari: People everywhere crave authentic stories, which means more chances for African creators to tell theirs on a global stage, and BET Africa has played a big role in that. Technology also helps; with social media, artistes and creators connect directly with fans worldwide.  The coolest part? African creatives are collaborating more than ever with other creatives from different countries. This teamwork makes the industry stronger and showcases the incredible talent Africa holds.

Daala Oruwari,

Of course, we still have a way to go. We must ensure that representation extends beyond established stars and reaches grassroots storytellers, ensuring marginalised voices are heard and celebrated. However, the current trajectory is undeniably positive. A global audience and a collaborative spirit ensure a future where African voices, stories, and experiences are finally taking their rightful place on the world stage.

TheCable Lifestyle: What legacy do you hope to leave on the media landscape, and what kind of impact do you want to have on those who look up to you?

Daala Oruwari: As a BET Africa Culture Squad member, I want to use this role to leave a lasting impact on the younger generation. My legacy will be about bridging the gap between Africa and the rest of the world, showcasing our culture and talent on a global stage. I hope young people will look at me and say, “Because she can do it, I can do it too.” I want to inspire them to chase their dreams and believe in their potential, knowing they can achieve anything they set their minds on.

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