Oyinlola Odemewu, the Nigerian artist fondly called Lola Mewu, has set a new world record for the longest painting marathon. 


Lola, who initially embarked on 72 hours of painting, completed the tasks on Wednesday morning in 82 hours.

The artist created a series of artworks during her marathon, including many that feature nostalgic childhood scenes.

The attempt took place at the Safe House, Adeola Hopewell Street, Eti-Osa, Lagos.


The artist also took to her Instagram page to share pictures and videos of herself after she surpassed her target with 10 more hours.

She completed her painting marathon “at exactly 4:30 a.m.”. She also appreciated everyone for their “support, sponsorship, and encouragement”.

“At exactly 4:30 am on November 1, 2023, LolaMewu dropped her painting brush after reaching the 82-hour mark in the @guinnessworldrecords longest painting hours record attempt,” she wrote.


“She could not have done this alone, big thank you to everyone who assisted, supported, sponsored, and encouraged her through this tough journey of exceeding limits.”


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The current Guinness World Records (GWR) holder is Roland Palmaerts, the Belgian-Canadian man who painted for 60 hours in 2013.

While announcing the attempt on Saturday, Lola revealed through her flier that the GWR had been notified.

As part of the requirements, Lola had also auctioned and sold some of the paintings.


GWR is yet to react to the new feat set by the Nigerian artist.

Lola also joins the growing list of Nigerians who have attempted to set new world records since the beginning of 2023.

In June, Hilda Baci, a Nigerian chef, was certified for the longest cooking marathon by an individual. She achieved the feat in 93 hours and 11 minutes.


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