Kanayo O Kanayo, the ace actor, is of the opinion that Christians should give their fathers their first salary and not their pastors.


In a video shared on Instagram, the film star bestowed his blessing on Clinton, his son, who just received his first salary.

Kanayo recently introduced Clinton to the film industry. He said his son would join this film crew as assistant production manager and be his personal assistant.

In the video, the actor requested N500 from his son’s earnings and asked him to kneel for prayers.


He also argued that Christian children should present their first earnings to their fathers rather than their pastors.

The actor claimed such practice has contributed to the advancement of many individuals through paternal blessings.

“I want to observe a culture from our ancestors which has led to the progress of many people you see today — Father’s blessing. Clinton Onyeze my son has just concluded a film production with us. And he has earned his first salary. His salary is N50,000 for the movie,” he said.


“This is the culture of Ndigbo.The first salary of a young man, he goes to his father to say Nnayi my salary is N50,000, the father may decide to take the entire money, he may also decide to take any amount and his father will now bless him.

“The idea of his father asking him how much is salary is to teach him financial management. The father will now pronounce financial blessings.

“So you people who are going to the pastors to show your salary are wasting your time. It is not part of our culture. Only a father can bless his son.

“And to that pastor who said it belongs to him in a video in January, did you ever consider, the feeding/transportation to and fro the office for that month? Where is this in the Bible?”



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The ace actor is married to Nneka Onyekwere. Their union is blessed with four children — three boys and a girl.

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