Foluke AbdulRazaq, the executive director of Bridge House College (BHC), says the school was established to provide a platform for students to access the best institutions globally.


Bridge House College (BHC) prides itself as an independent co-education sixth-form college in Ikoyi, Lagos.

It was established in 2004 to cater to pre-university preparation for high school leavers aged 15 to 19 years considering university education in Nigeria and abroad.

The College is an accredited centre for Cambridge A-level examinations and Cambridge face-to-face teacher training in Nigeria.


AbdulRazaq spoke on Tuesday during a press conference marking the beginning of the college’s 20th anniversary celebrations.

She said BHC’s result of 20 years of endeavour is that its students have consistently excelled in these renowned citadels of knowledge.

The executive director said BHC alumni are now highly successful professionals and entrepreneurs in Nigeria and abroad.


AbdulRazaq highlighted that BHC aims to provide quality education as a private international college.

She said this goal will complement government investment in public educational institutions.

AbdulRazaq emphasised the college’s commitment to producing graduates who are dedicated professionals, entrepreneurs, and employers of labour.

She said the college’s curriculum is such that its alumni are prepared to address the country’s challenges and find solutions to global issues.


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