The Holy Bible says that “eyes are the window of the soul”, and in interpretation, we can say that the eyes are truly an important part of the body – just as windows are for a building.


If you cannot remember the last time you went for an eye examination or have never undergone one, please link up with this article.

Since eyes are a key component of the body, we have the responsibility of taking care of our eyesight and managing them responsibly. Hence irrespective of fear, ignorance, misinformation, or financial reasons, you should really re-consider including periodic eye examinations in your itinerary.

Also, eye examinations are not restricted to only people who wear recommended glasses, it is still necessary to attend eye examinations periodically. This might seem bizarre and even but is good practice.


Eye Doctors Can Detect Eye Complications

It’s possible you have developed eye defects even if you currently see clearly. In fact, even though you score highly during your eye test, doesn’t also mean you’re in the clear.

This is because most eye defects usually go unnoticed in their early stages, just like with High Blood Pressure and other medical conditions, early detection is best.


Committing to periodic eye examinations is also a sure way to provide specialists with a track history of your eye for future examinations.  This track will be used as a point of reference for subsequent examinations. This way, should a problem be diagnosed in the future, the specialist in charge can refer back to your older reports to spot the precise time the condition developed.

It Gives Eye Doctors The Chance You Educate You On Eyecare

Visiting an eye clinic for an examination usually puts a patient at the advantage of learning important tips on eye care from an eye doctor.

Tips like; eye protection practices under direct sunlight [UV/UA rays], when using LED Screens, proper diet [e.g. including foods rich in Vitamin A like carrots, tomatoes etc], and exercises for the eyes are a few useful and helpful tips that not only benefit an individual but prolong the eyesight of that individual.


In addition to this, specialists can even prescribe drugs, ointments, lenses which can help keep your overall eye function in great condition.

Eye Doctors Can Detect Other Diseases

Eye diseases or defects are not the only things eye specialists can spot during eye examinations. According to a publication by The Eye Associates, diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, leukemia, and high cholesterol, are examples of health problems which can be detected during standard eye tests.

“This is because the eye is the only place where blood vessels can be viewed in their natural state without a surgical procedure.” the publication explains.


A great advantage of this situation is that other health issues can be detected early to investigate further by specialists and treated before complications.

To recap, eye examinations aren’t meant only for people who wear glasses but for everyone.

One of the reasons why some people shun eye examinations is financial reasons — that is, eye services being too costly. Although truthfully, some eye clinics can be pretty pricey, with the right information from research and asking the right questions, you most likely will come in contact with more affordable eye care services.

HMO services also cover eye examinations so make sure to double-check with your HMO provider if your insurance covers eye care. If it doesn’t, try working out a system including eye cafe.


What has been your most memorable experience getting your eyes examined? Would you mind sharing this in the comment section?

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