Tunji Disu, Rivers state commissioner of police, spoke at the 2024 graduation ceremony of St. Gregory’s College.


Disu was at the event, which was held in the school’s historic auditorium in Ikoryi Lagos.

The police commissioner, who is an alumnus of St. Gregory’s, highlighted the institution’s role in shaping his journey.

Disu warned the school’s graduating class of 2024 about the dangers of cultism and drug abuse.


He said he was tempted during his time in the university but he never participated in cultism or indulged in hard drugs.

The commissioner advised the students to protect their future by making wise decisions.

“The rigorous academic curriculum, the camaraderie of my classmates, and the unwavering guidance of our dedicated teachers. These elements shaped me into the person I am today,” he said.


“I attended Lagos State University, and despite the challenges and temptations, I never participated in cultism or indulged in hard drugs for even a single day.

“Cultism and drugs offer nothing but a path to destruction. Protect your future by making wise choices today.

“Integrity, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. These have been the guiding lights of my professional life.

“Whether you choose to pursue higher education, enter the workforce, or explore entrepreneurial endeavours, I urge you to approach every challenge with the same tenacity and commitment that has brought you to this milestone.”


St. Gregory’s College is a Catholic Boys’ School with boarding facilities in Ikoyi, Lagos.

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