King Promise, the Ghanaian singer, has released his third studio album titled ‘True To Self’.


The 12-track project was released via 5K Records/Sony Music Entertainment UK in the early hours of Friday.

‘True To Self’ contains collaborations with Nigerian singers Shallipopi, FAVE, and Ladipoe.

Other artistes featured in the body of work are Fridayy, Lasmid, Gabzy, Olivetheboy, and Ghanaian rapper Sakordie.


Tracks on the album include ‘Believe’, ‘Continental’, ‘Permission Granted’, ‘Paris’, ‘Ringing In My Head’, and ‘Paranoid’.

Others are ‘9:45’, ‘Mad Oh’, ‘Favourite Story’, ‘Own It’ and previously released singles ‘Perfect Combi’ and ‘Terminator’.

In ‘True To Self’, the 28-year-old singer draws inspiration from his real-life experiences, particularly his romantic relationships.


Speaking about the album in an interview with Apple Music, King Promise said ‘True to Self’ is the “most vulnerable I have ever been with my music”.

“I found the right balance between what my sound truly is, who I really am and what I really want to churn out through my music,” he added.

“The title speaks for what I actually want to give off with this album. I am the most true I’ve been, and everything has clues to it where it is not just fiction.”

Born Gregory Bortey Newman, King Promise is known for his blend of Afrobeats, highlife, and R&B influences.


The singer put out his debut album ‘As Promised’ in 2019 and then released ‘5 Star’, his second album in 2022.


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