Doyin David, ex-housemate of BBNaija, says she faked her personality during her time on the show.


Doyin participated in the BBNaija ‘Level Up’ edition in 2022.

She also joined the All-Stars season in the following year.

During a recent episode of the CreativiTEA podcast, Doyin reflected on her time on the show and admitted that she was “fake”.


The reality TV star said she tried to come across as mature during her first run on the show and “hated” it.

“My first run was not my best run, to be honest,” she said.

“I have been on the show twice. I came out of the show and I hated it. I was fake.


“I came out with the narrative that Doyin is too mature.

“She is always trying to talk things out. That is not really me o. In real life, I fight.”

Doyin shared that she lost a contract due to comments she made in an interview.

“There is no bad or good brand. I had a brand that dropped me,” she added.


“They had signed me and paid me the money. But they called and asked for a refund.

“And it was because of an interview I did.

“And to be fair to them, I deserved to be dropped, because why did I talk?”

In 2023, Doyin revealed that she received death threats from an unidentified person over her participation in BBNaija.


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